Sunday, May 29, 2022

Science is for all of us!

 This week on the PVL Blog Post, MSc student Ankita talks about citizen science, a way by which anyone can participate in scientific research and discovery.
Image Above: YorkU Galaxified Generate your own text at:

By Ankita Das

Being someone who developed a keen interest in science at a very early age I was always looking for new ways to learn and contribute to the science happening in the world. By the time I was in my early teens, citizen science projects were my favorite way to spend time when I was not involved in academic work. I spent my winter of 2010 sending my friends and family a personalized season’s greetings. Except, there was something special about these messages – the text was “galaxified” using GalaxyZoo’s special tool where each letter was a galaxy from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). These were the little ways I would incorporate space into my daily life. But my love for science at that age went beyond generating cute galaxified texts.

Citizen science is often someone’s first introduction to hands-on science. Personally, my first citizen science projects were in Galaxy Zoo and Planet Hunters by Zooniverse. The Galaxy Zoo project involved classifying galaxies into categories by looking at its shape - something even a child can do but holds valuable science behind the activity. A lot can be revealed about a galaxy just from its shape. For example, an elliptical galaxy is usually an old galaxy where no active star formation takes place and spiral arms in a galaxy imply a rotating disk of stars. The shape classification were according to Hubble’s classification scheme shown in image 2.


Image 2: Hubble’s Classification Scheme for galaxies (Source: Wikipedia Commons)

Apart from classifying galaxies imaged by SDSS, my other favorite go-to project involved looking at light curves from distant exoplanets being discovered by Kepler. Kepler’s launch in 2009 marked the beginning of some very exciting exoplanetary science which continues till date. The task at hand was again simple: to look at the brightness of a star over time and determine if there are any periodic dips in the brightness indicating the possible presence of an exoplanet around the star. The excitement I felt as a young teenager “analyzing” data from a telescope launched just a year before, possibly discovering new alien worlds was unparalleled. Participating in citizen science initiatives back then gave me a sense that I was doing something important for the scientific community even as a kid. 

Image 3: Example of Planet Hunters task

Citizen science has become an important facet of research in the scientific community today with it having evolved into more creative and interesting projects as new troves of data are generated. Citizen science projects can range from activities as simple as locating constellations with your naked eye monitoring light pollution (Globe at Night) to projects that involve amateur astronomers, photographers, and programmers equipped with certain level of hardware or skill to carry out the science. In this way, citizen science involves diverse groups from our society ranging from kids to amateurs to take part in various citizen science initiatives. For the younger section of the public, citizen science projects can become their introduction to scientific projects whereas it can be a leisure activity for the relatively senior members of our society. To me, citizen science initiatives are a powerful and effective tool for scientific outreach. Not only do members of the public learn about the science that is being carried out, they also actively contribute to it, developing a deeper interest over the years in such projects. Irrespective of the diversity in participation, one thing remains the same, all these groups contribute to our growing scientific knowledge about the world around us. 

But can the general public really contribute to the cutting-edge fields in science from their homes or backyards? Yes of course! Over the years, citizen science has churned out an interesting list of discoveries which have made it to scientific journals after being reviewed by scientists. One of the most notable discoveries in the field of space science which comes to mind is the discovery KIC 8462852 or more colloquially known as Boyajian’s star (named after Tabetha Boyajian, other names include Tabby’s star and WTF star). In 2015, citizen scientists who were part of Planet Hunters came across a star exhibiting odd levels of dimming (22%). Upon closer inspection by astronomers, the object’s odd behavior continued to baffle them leading to many people calling it by its nickname – the WTF star which is apparently a reference to the paper’s subtitle: “where’s the flux” (very misleading nickname, I know!). Scientists came up with various hypotheses to explain the star’s observed light curve which included possibilities of obstructions around the star occurring from a ring, planetary debris, or dust clouds. More farfetched hypotheses included the presence of large-scale artificial structures around the star being responsible for the unnatural dimming of the star’s brightness, hinting at the existence of intelligent civilizations. Scientists continue in their attempts to fully understand this bizarre star and hence Boyajian’s star is still being studied and monitored by subsequent telescopes and projects. 

I think most of us would agree science has changed a lot since ancient times. Science which started off as independent endeavors taken up by philosophers centuries ago today presents a different picture. The days of sitting under a tree and pondering on the mysteries of the universe and scribbling down equations are long gone. Most science carried out today is in large groups, relying on observed and measured data retrieved from instruments such as telescopes, particle accelerators, and robotic spacecraft. Hence, a huge amount of data is generated and will continue to be generated as next generation telescopes come into operation. Citizen science initiatives are a fantastic way of tackling this big data problem astronomy and space science is to expected to face soon. Thus, citizen science is not only valuable for outreach but also valuable in processing huge chunks of data and making meaningful contributions to the scientific community. A complete list of active and inactive citizen science projects in all scientific fields can be found at:

Read more at:
Boyajian’s star discovery paper: Planet Hunters X. KIC 8462852 - Where's the Flux? Available at

Sunday, May 1, 2022

I know what you did last summer: Grad School Edition

With May having just begun, undergraduate students are looking forward to the summer, but the situation is different for Professors and graduate students. Though few grad students take courses during this time of the year, it is nevertheless one of the busiest times of the year. Below, MSc student Justin Kerr explains why and describes some of the rhythms of graduate student life.

By Justin Kerr

“So, you are a student right? When does your summer break start?” It’s only April, and I’ve already been asked this question dreaded by graduate students everywhere three times. At least it’s not as bad as when I was on the hunt for an apartment! When you first become a grad student, you quickly realize that most people outside the realm of academia don’t understand what research based graduate school in the sciences entails. In reality, we are typically enrolled in few if any classes and most certainly do not get a multi-month vacation in the summer months. Course-based graduate programs do exist, but are much less common in the sciences and are typically excluded from receiving most of the normal funding. So, what do research-based grad students in physics actually do?

While grad students do take some courses, they typically make up the smallest portion of our time commitments throughout the degree. Here in the Physics and Astronomy program at York University, Master of Science students have the choice of pursuing a degree by thesis or a research project. In the case of a research project, students are required to take five one-semester courses throughout their two-year program. This type of degree is more common in physics programs for students looking to pursue a PhD at the same university in order to reduce course load during their PhD. It gives more variety in topics studied but allows less time for research. By the end of the degree, students are expected to have completed an original research project presented in the form of a large written document (although often somewhat shorter than a thesis). This type of degree is more common in some specific fields than others; for example, it is almost always used in particle physics, but is a rare choice in our own lab group. Personally, this is the option which I chose in order to expand my expertise in different areas of physics to support my future goals in academia. While this is the high course load option, it still means taking very few courses – the equivalent of a single semester in undergrad over two years, at least without compensating for enhanced difficulty of the material.

The thesis option instead requires only three courses be taken over the same two-year period. This allows students more time for research and development of a more intensive project. A thesis is typically longer than a research project and may involve more multiple smaller projects rather than the single one described in a master’s research project submission. Theses are also presented in a formal defense process instead of a simple submission to a supervisory committee. Completing a thesis gives a more complete research experience to students, which is more heavily valued in certain fields. In straight physics degrees, this can also be used as an option for students who are not intending on continuing in academia to provide a more complete education prior to moving to industry. Some universities other than York have very strict preferences for which type of degree is completed for moving forward in a PhD program, such as physics programs at the University of Toronto. When completing a PhD, the only option available is a thesis, and it will be much more intense than the MSc version. At York, a physics PhD requires the completion of six graduate courses, including any taken during the MSc – meaning a student who used the thesis option will take three courses throughout their four-year degree, and research project students will only need to take one. This means that thesis and PhD students are often not taking any courses at all in a given semester, and usually only one at a time if they are.

The main goal of a graduate degree in the sciences is to perform the research that will become the research project or thesis. To properly do this, we need to first perform literature searches and read many scientific papers pursuant to our planned project. We also keep up with relevant new research in our fields by reading new publications, with most graduate students often reading through several scientific publications per week. The bulk of our work is to perform our research tasks. In physics, this usually means coding, lab experiments, or some combination of the two. This is the portion of our responsibilities that means we don’t have a summer vacation! When other responsibilities do not get in the way, we are working on our research. Producing publications is also an important aspect of graduate education, which when combined with thesis requirements ensures that a good portion of our time is spent writing. We are generally expected to work roughly full-time hours (although deadlines often have something else to say about that!), with research and the associated writing taking up most of that.

The final portion of a graduate student’s responsibilities is teaching assistant duties. As part of our admission agreement and making up about half of our yearly funding are contracts to be teaching assistants for courses offered by our department or that of Natural Science, which covers science electives for non-majors. These can include grading assignments, teaching/demonstrating in a lab course, or leading tutorial sessions in undergraduate classes. The standard requirement for TAing is 270 hours per year, which usually averages out to about 10 hours per week during the Fall and Winter semesters while leaving the summer free to focus on research. In reality, much of that often ends up being concentrated into a few very busy weeks around midterm and exam grading time.

While a good portion of our funding comes from the relatively small portion of our work that is TAing, the truth is that the vast majority of our time spent on research is in fact still work. Since any of the few courses we do take usually occur during the Fall and Winter semesters along with our TAing, our summers are left free not for a summer vacation as it might for undergraduate students, but instead for a large focus on our research work. This is particularly important for those of us graduating in August such as myself who are likely to have some of the busiest months of our degrees ahead of us while we try to perfect our research projects and theses ahead of submission deadlines and defenses. The start of the summer is no better, with the start of May meaning research evaluations for all of us; these are where we must present our current work and future plans to our supervisory committee in a form of oral exam. The next time you are chatting with a grad student, make sure not to assume that they are looking forward to their nice summer vacation to take a break from the courses that they are likely not even taking!