Monday, November 30, 2020

Arecibo, A Giant in the Field

This week, Conor Hayes pays tribute the Arecibo Radio Telescope. You may know it in connection with SETI (or perhaps from movies!) but its ability to make observations along the ecliptic made it one of Planetary Science's most effective instruments. Unfortuately, the telescope recently experienced a structural failure which will require its demolition. 

Photo above:  The Arecibo Observatory as seen in June 2019. (CC BY-SA 4.0,

by Conor Hayes

On November 19, 2020, the astronomical community lost a (literal) giant. Following the failure of two support cables that made repair work dangerously unsafe, the National Science Foundation announced that they would be decommissioning the Arecibo Observatory. This 305-metre radio telescope has faithfully watched the skies for nearly 60 years, during which time it became perhaps the most well-known telescope on the planet, appearing in popular media like GoldenEye, Contact, and The X-Files. Its loss will be felt by all of us, most acutely by those who have dedicated their lives to radio astronomy. Given this, I felt it was appropriate to write a little bit about radio telescopes in general, as well as some of the notable discoveries made using Arecibo.

Why was Arecibo so large? When designing a new telescope, you need to balance the quality of the data it can output with how expensive it will be to build. The resolution of images taken by a telescope is covered by the following equation: R = λ / D, where R is the resolution, λ is the wavelength of the light you are observing with, and D is the diameter of the telescope’s primary mirror or objective lens.

From this equation, you can see the two-front war that radio telescopes are fighting. As with all telescopes, the larger your light collection area is, the higher resolution your data will be. However, radio telescopes face an additional problem, in that radio waves have the longest wavelengths of all electromagnetic radiation. Because the wavelength appears in the numerator of the resolution equation, observations done on, say, a 10-metre radio telescope will be significantly lower resolution than observations done on a 10-metre optical telescope. This means that radio telescopes must be significantly larger than those used to observe at shorter wavelengths if they want to achieve a comparable resolution. Fortunately, because radio waves are less impacted by small-scale imperfections in the telescope’s surface, we can get away with constructing them out of sheets of metal (or even a fine metal mesh!) rather than carefully-polished mirrors, greatly reducing the cost.

Of course, actually building and maintaining such a large structure is still massively expensive, to the point that Arecibo spent much of the last 20 years of its life under constant threat of being shut down due to funding shortfalls. To avoid this, many radio observatories, like the Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico, the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile, and the upcoming Square Kilometre Array (SKA) in Australia and South Africa, use a technique called very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) to combine a large number of smaller telescopes into one telescope with a much larger effective collection area. VLBI was most recently leveraged to combine many radio telescopes across the planet into the Event Horizon Telescope, which took the first direct image of a black hole.

As the largest radio telescope in the world from its completion in 1963 to the construction of the Five-hundred-metre Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) in 2011, the Arecibo Observatory was at the forefront of radio astronomy and contributed to a number of important scientific discoveries.

In our own Solar System, Arecibo was used to determine that Mercury has a rotational period of 59 days, rather than being tidally locked as was previously assumed. Relevant to my own research into ice in the permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) of the Moon, Arecibo made some of the first radar measurements of ice in the PSRs of Mercury, observations that were later confirmed by the MESSENGER spacecraft.

Elsewhere in the universe, Arecibo was responsible for a number of other “firsts.” In 1968, scientists using Arecibo measured the rotational period of the Crab Nebula pulsar, which provided the first direct evidence of the existence of neutron stars. Just six years later, Arecibo produced its first Nobel Prize-winning research in the form of the discovery of a binary pulsar system. This system was found to have a gradually decreasing orbital period, which is consistent with energy loss in the form of gravitational waves (though gravitational waves would not be directly measured until 2016). Though the search for exoplanets has been popularized by space telescopes like Kepler and TESS, it was actually Arecibo that first found extrasolar planets due to irregularities in the measured rotational period of a pulsar. To date, one of these still holds the record for the smallest known exoplanet, with a mass around twice that of the Moon.

Finally, Arecibo played a key role in the Search for Extra-Terrestial Intelligence (SETI) and Messaging to Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (METI) programs. Arecibo was one of the primary telescopes used by the SETI Institute to listen for possible communications from extraterrestrial life, and in 1974 broadcast a short message containing information about humanity and our location in the galaxy to M13, a globular star cluster located 25,000 light years away. Although seen as reckless and possibly dangerous by many, it is widely accepted that nothing will come of this message due to the vast distances involved.

The Arecibo Message, which was sent from the observatory towards the globular cluster M13 in November 1974. It contains information on the genetic structure of humans, our physical characteristics, and how to find us. Many felt this was a dangerous amount of information to be sending to a hypothetical alien civilization whose motivations were unknown. (CC BY-SA 3.0,

The Arecibo Observatory will certainly be missed, but it leaves behind a vast and rich legacy of scientific discoveries. With FAST now operational and the 100-metre Green Bank Telescope still in good working order, along with a number of existing and new interferometric arrays around the planet, the world of radio astronomy continues to be well-served. Though the end of this particular telescope’s career was perhaps more abrupt than some might have imagined, it is leaving us having done more than its fair share of the hard work of advancing our knowledge of the universe.

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